
What Are the Christmas Traditions in Ukraine? How is Christmas Celebrated in Ukraine?

Every country has a different way of celebrating certain well-known events, and so is Ukraine. The special day of Christmas, namely New Year’s celebrations, is also included in this event. Christmas days, which represent the end of a year and the beginning of a new year; It can vary from country to country and even from region to region.

In terms of Christmas celebrations, Ukraine is a country where gift giving, excitement, togetherness and enthusiasm are experienced more than our country. Christmas days, which are very enthusiastic especially in European countries, are also experienced in Ukraine. There are even traditions that locals call indispensable for Christmas.

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As a person living in Ukraine; I researched Ukraine’s Christmas traditions in order to introduce you to Ukraine more closely and to help those who want to come to Ukraine to have preliminary information about Ukraine. In line with the information I have observed and gained in my research, in this article I will tell you about the Christmas traditions of Ukraine.

What Are the Christmas Traditions in Ukraine?– How Many Days Is The Christmas Holiday In Ukraine?

Ukrainian people celebrate Christmas every year on the night of January 6 to January 7, due to its influence from Soviet culture. Because they want to return to their old traditions that were abandoned after the Russian revolution and they are doing something like this about it. People of high faith in Ukraine usually visit church on Christmas night or in the very early hours of Christmas morning.

Families often celebrate Christmas nights with a meal at home. Meals are made without meat, milk or animal fats. Usually 12 meals are served. Because these 12 dishes symbolize the 12 apostles for them. The most well-known dish is a traditional dish called ‘kutya’.

After the meal, they sing Christmas carols and celebrate each other’s new year by giving gifts. The people of Ukraine call this Christmas night, where all family members and close friends spend together, ‘Holy Evening’.

In my opinion, the most interesting Christmas tradition in Ukraine is; bringing a sheaf of wheat home that night as it reminds her of Ukrainian agricultural traditions and ancestors. These bouquets of flowers made from straw and ears of wheat are called ‘Didukh’.

Christmas holidays in Ukraine are one week. At the beginning of each year, from 7 to 14 January, the Christmas holiday in Ukraine shows its effect.

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